Articles on: Workspaces

How to switch between workspaces


You can create multiple workspaces on Publer. This works best for agencies, which manage hundreds of clients and social accounts.

To switch workspaces on Publer:

Go to the dropdown button on the top right corner, next to your profile.
Choose a desired workspace and you will be redirected on that workspace:

Manage Workspaces on Publer

Learn more about how to use workspaces here.



You can create multiple workspaces on Publer. This works best for agencies, which manage hundreds of clients and social accounts.

To switch to a different Workspace in the mobile app:

Click on the button located at the top left corner.

Manage workspaces on Publer

Select the desired workspace and you will be redirected to that specific workspace.

Manage workspaces on Publer

Learn more about how to use workspaces here.


Updated on: 21/12/2024

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